List their available numbers.
Configure a new service.
Update an existing service.
Decommission an existing service.
The Telco API uses HTTP Basic Authentication over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS).
It has an asynchronous model to submit the requests:
Submit the request with an HTTP callback URL.
Callback URL is called when the request is completed.
Request status can also be polled via a dedicated API request.
It allows the client to create the following service types:
VoiceMail: A recording is played to the caller, after which they can leave a voice message.
Prompt: A recording is played to the caller. Is generally used for notification purposes.
Transfer: The answer point phone the call is transferred to.
Additional service features are available upon request.
Each Service Type can be configured with the following options:
Email and SMS Notifications: Emails and/or SMS are sent to the desired recipients depending on call status (refer to API reference document).
HTTP Call Back: A URL is called each time a call is completed.
SMS Forward: A URL is called each time an sms is received - Requires a Virtual Mobile Tracking Number.
Documentation is available here:
A NEW AD is requested and a NEW NUMBER REQUEST is submitted to the AVANSER Telco API. This request specifies both "custom_id" and "custom_group" for attribution purposes.
The number selected from the available number list is returned in real-time.
The AVANSER System configures the service on the phone network.
The AVANSER System reports the service has been configured. On average it takes 7 minutes for the change to propagate to all servers of AVANSER's Network.
A test call is automatically conducted and the data sent via HTTP Callback. (Requires Subscription)
Client receives the data.
Ad Number is live.
HTTP Callback: URI reporting method which is configured autonomously via the Telco API. This method calls a URL for every call received by the AVANSER system.
Data Feed URL that provides the Client with the most recent data according to a predefined format. For example calls can be reported by year, month, day but also calling number, call status, custom_id and custom_group. Feeds are available in CSV, JSON and XML format.
WebAPI to build the Client’s own request parameters and get the results in JSON and XML format. Rate limits apply.
ARTIC API to fetch ARTIC Call Center data similarly to the WebAPI but with in-depth access to call center specific reporting.
AVANSER System receives a call.
AVANSER connects the caller to the desired answering number.
Call completes.
AVANSER system reports depending on the configuration.
Data is ready for the client to use.
AVANSER can will send an HTTP Callback to the customer as soon as the call is completed and the Post-Call processing is done. HTTP Callback can be configured automatically via the TelcoAPI or manually through the AVANSER Portal.
An example HTTP Callback URL is as follows:[[clientid]]&callid=[[callid]]&uniqueid=[[uniqueid]]&bnum=[[bnum]]&adname=[[adname]]&target=[[target]]&targetname=[[targetname]]&ani=[[ani]]&tzdate=[[tzdate]]&duration=[[duration]]&callstatus=[[callstatus]]&callcode=[[callcode]]&clocation=[[clocation]]&cstate=[[cstate]]&ccountry=[[ccountry]]&custom_id=[[tag]]&custom_group=[[curl]]
Multiple methods of authentication can be configured:
IP Address Whitelisting.
Static HTTP Basic password.
HTTP Digest (available on request, scoping is required).
Data output can be customised to match the Client’s specific needs.
Below is an example of the data returned by AVANSER’s standard feed. Data is aggregated by Year, Month and Day.
call_audio_url: "",call_connection_duration: 1,call_direction: "call-in",
call_duration: 17,call_end_time: "2020-05-26 17:00:18",call_has_audio: 0,
call_id: 67643772,call_is_artic: 0,call_local_time: "2020-05-26 17:00:01",
call_param_0[1-7]: 0,call_param_08: "",call_param_09: "",call_start_time: "2020-05-26 17:00:01",
call_status: "Missed",call_status_code: 1,call_talk_duration: 16,
call_timezone: "Australia/Sydney",call_tz_end_time: "2020-05-26T17:00:18+1000",
call_tz_start_time: "2020-05-26T17:00:01+1000",call_u_end_time: 1590476418,
call_u_start_time: 1590476401,call_unique_id: "ECS8-1590476401.423578",
caller_country: "AU",caller_location: "Sydney",caller_number: "+61-0290088888",caller_state: "NSW",
client_id: 5995,
custom_group: "",custom_id: "",
private_reference: null,
target_name: "Target Name",target_number: "+61-0289995916",
tracking_master_id: 0,tracking_name: "Tracking Service Name",tracking_notes: "",
tracking_number: "+61-0289996235",tracking_wpc_id: 0
Data feeds can be automatically uploaded to a desired destination on a daily basis.
For regular clients AVANSER automatically handles the inventory, ensuring that any numbers made available for provisioning have already passed rigorous quarantine procedures. This incorporates checks to determine that the number is no longer "noisy".
A “noisy” number is a number that still receives calls for the previous owner after it has been cancelled. Only numbers that have been proven not to still be receiving calls for the previous owner are released to the public number pool. This process usually takes from three to six months.
For use cases that involve a large quantity of numbers (1000+), the public pool may be insufficient to guarantee the numbers are always available in the quantity required. Therefore an alternative solution is available.
AVANSER can provide a "Private Inventory", configured with its own customised rules which can be tailored to suit the Client’s business rules. This will not only ensure availability of numbers in the quantity required, but also allow the Client to choose when and how to safely recycle the numbers. These rules must be defined by the Client and discussed before the Inventory can be made available. They can be fully automated to minimise inventory maintenance and the Telco API can be customised to allow for recycling of a number upon request.
Once the Client and AVANSER agree on the exact volume of numbers required, AVANSER will assist in determining the size of the inventory and will provide feedback on ways to optimise the number usage to reduce inventory bloat and cost.