Dynamic Number Insertion - Troubleshooting (Basic)

Dynamic Number Insertion - Troubleshooting (Basic)

This article is part one of a two-part guide in troubleshooting AVANSER's Dynamic Number Insertion code on your website. This guide will help ensure that the code is installed correctly, and is working as expected.

This article covers the basics of testing your Dynamic Code. In most cases Dynamic Codes are installed correctly and these simple steps can help you successfully test that your code is working correctly on-site. 

STEP 1: Clear your browser cookies before performing any additional tests

This is a very frequent cause of confusion when testing Dynamic Codes on websites. Even if you perform these tests regularly and are certain your cookies are cleared, it is worth performing this step again just to be certain. 

AVANSER's Dynamic Code relies on Google's cookie to swap out the number on your website. As a frequent visitor to the site your cookie may not be in the same condition as one of your customers; this can result in the cookie registering you as a visitor from a different source or medium to the one you are testing. The best way to proceed is to clear your cookies to ensure you are testing with a clean browser. If you don't know how to clear the cookies in your browser please click the relevant link below for the browser you are using.

To ensure you don't have to repeat this step when performing multiple tests, you should perform all other steps in a Private or Incognito window. These windows delete all acquired cookies as soon as the window is closed, ensuring that each time you perform your test you are doing it with a clean slate. To open a Private or Incognito window, open your browser and press the following keyboard commands:

Ctrl + Shift + N
Command + Shift + N
Ctrl + Shift + P
Command + Shift + P
Ctrl + Shift + P

Remember, you'll need to close your current window and open a new Private/Incognito window with each test to ensure your cookies are cleared.

STEP 2: Click on one of the ads you are tracking

Now that your cookies are cleared clicking on one of your tracked ads is the fastest way to check that everything is installed correctly and working. How you go about this will depend on where your ad is placed. Some of the more common methods are listed below:
  1. Paid Search - Enter an appropriate keyword in the relevant search engine, then click on your ad when it appears.
  2. SEO - Locate your website in the organic search results. Usually this can be located by entering your company name into Google/Bing/Yahoo etc...
  3. Referral - Visit a referring website, and click on your advertisement. 
  4. Direct - Enter your company website URL directly into your browser and press enter.  
If your numbers are successfully swapping after this test there is no need to proceed to the next step.

If your numbers are still not swapping please close your Private or Incognito window and open a new one before proceeding to step 3.
If you are unable to locate one of your ads, or if you do not wish to incur the cost of clicking on one of your ads please proceed to step 3. 

STEP 3: Manually tag a URL to simulate a visit from one of your ads

It is possible to simulate a customer visit to your site without clicking on one of your ads. This is a fast way to check if your Dynamic Code is installed correctly on-site, but it is always recommended to check your ads to ensure they are tagging customer visits correctly to initiate a swap. 

To ensure your manually tagged URL is prepared correctly AVANSER recommends using Google's URL Builder.

Please follow the instructions in the URL builder. Once complete copy the provided URL into the Private or Incognito window of your browser and hit Enter. If your Dynamic Code is installed correctly on-site this will be all that is required to initiate a number swap. 

Step 3 Succeeded
This indicates that your dynamic code is installed successfully on your website. If you were unable to perform step 2 we recommend revisiting this step with whomever manages your online campaigns to ensure that your ads are correctly swapping numbers on your site. If the tags supplied to AVANSER for your online campaigns do not match those being used to tag your customer visits then it is still possible that your ads will not correctly swap out your numbers. 

Step 2 Failed and Step 3 Succeeded
This indicates there may be some discrepancies in how your online ads are tagging customer visits to your site, and warrants further investigation. Please check with whomever manages your online advertising to ensure web visits are being tagged correctly. If you or your marketer/site manager needs assistance with this you can proceed to the advanced troubleshooting article for more information.

Step 3 Failed
Please proceed to the advanced troubleshooting article.

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