Google Sunsets AdWords API - Verifying your Google Ads Configuration

Google Sunsets AdWords API - Verifying your Google Ads Configuration

Google has released Google Ads to replace Google AdWords and with the update, they have released a new API for partners to push data to their platform. 
As of 27 April 2022, Google has sunsetted the AdWords API.

AVANSER is not aware of any issues caused by the migration performed by Google. However, the change may affect your reporting if you have not refreshed Google's Authentication Code in your Google Ads configurations in a while.

This article, based on the Knowledge Base article Integrations: Google Ads , provides help on how to quickly verify your Google Ads Configuration and ensure your reporting is working as expected.

Verification Steps:
  1. Log onto your AVANSER account on Customer Portal. Select the cog wheel in the left bar and  click Integrations > Google Ads
  2. Identify the Accounts you want to update and click the pencil icon.
You'll be presented with the Account Configuration page. 

Manager Account Customer ID

If you don't use Google Manager Account, skip this step.
With the release of Google Ads API there are some changes with the way the data is managed. If you are using Google Manager Accounts in your Google Ads,you need to specify the Manager Customer ID. Check Google Ads Manager Accounts Help to identify yours. 

The Manager Account Customer ID is required if your Google Ads account depends on a Manager Account

Authorization Code
Click on Click to open Google's Authorization Page. A new window will open requesting you to authorize AVANSER to push data to your Google Ads Account

Click on Allow and proceed to the next section.

When authorized, copy the code presented using the icon displayed in the image above.

Head back to AVANSER Customer Portal and paste the code in the Authorization Code input.

Click Update and Continue

Remember to verify your Google Ads accounts and Numbers are Enabled. 

Your Google Ads reporting will resume.
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