Whilst you may be familiar with the types of phone numbers offered by AVANSER, you may not be aware of the actual differences between them.
Number Type | |
Local/Geo/Geographic (02 xxxx xxxx) | They are geographic, which means they are assigned to a specific area and the first few digits of the phone number reflect the region/area they belong to. Some businesses have a preference for a Geo numbers to appear local to the area they were advertising in, as potential customers may be looking for services from a local company. |
Virtual Mobile Number (04xx xxx xxx) | Virtual Mobile Numbers (VMNs) look and function similar to a regular mobile number, and can support voice and SMS. Customers may be more likely to call a business it they believe they are going to speak to an individual person, rather than a team. |
Virtual Number (VIRTxxxxxx) | These are AVANSER internal numbers only and are associated with Click to Call and Dialer features. It is not an actual number but a reference to other services. |
13 Numbers (13xx xx) | Callers to a 13 number are only charged the cost of a local call from anywhere within Australia. These are premium numbers that may incur a government fees - an expensive once-off set up fee and a monthly recurring fee that is approximately $750 per month. Please consult the Sales Team to confirm current government fees as they may vary. AVANSER does not supply 13 numbers but can either order them or advise clients how to order them directly from "theNumberingSystem" portal. Custom 13 numbers - e.g. 13 TAXI need to be ordered from "theNumberingSystem" portal - costs are TBD subject to demand and availability. |
1300 Numbers - Tollfree - (1300 xxx xxx) | Callers to a 1300 number are only charged the cost of a local call from anywhere within Australia. AVANSER has a pool of generic 1300 numbers to assign to customers. However, custom
1300 numbers - e.g. 13 CALLME need to be ordered from "theNumberingSystem"
portal - costs are TBD subject to demand and availability. |
1800 Numbers - Freecall - (1800 xxx xxx) | Callers to a 1800 number are not charged the cost of a local call from anywhere within Australia. AVANSER has a pool of generic 1300 numbers to assign to customers. However, custom
1800 numbers - e.g. 1800 CALLME need to be ordered from "theNumberingSystem"
portal - costs are TBD subject to demand and availability. |