TalkDesk: Network Quality Test

TalkDesk: Network Quality Test

The TalkDesk Network Quality Test provides a simple and automated way to verify that Agent's TalkDesk connectivity is working as expected.
You will be supplied a dedicated testing URL during the deployment of your Environment.
You can also use our standard test URL available here.

What is this test for?

The test suite is a Web Tools capable of test and detect potential issues related to your Agents connectivity to TalkDesk, it allows for early detection as well as providing required information to address any possible issue discovered.

Who should perform this test?

Each Agent signed up with your TalkDesk system should perform the test on his own computer. 

How does the test work?

The test will check your audio configuration and network connectivity, will simulate a call done via TalkDesk and will play audio during the test. At the end of this automated test you'll receive a report. 

What to do after I've performed the test?

You should perform the test, download the report and share it with our support team. If any issue is reported within the result dashboard, please let us know when submitting the report.

Things you should know about TalkDesk Connectivity

You should consider the following information before performing the test to ensure the best results possible. TalkDesk offers a rich realtime, communication experience that depends on the quality of the Agent's network connectivity. 

Working From Home

When working from home is recommended: 
  1. Use wired connections (Ethernet/PLC instead of wifi) and headsets;
  2. If the agents connect via VDI/Remote Desktop, use the Callbar or a SIP Client outside the virtual environment;
  3. If a VPN connection is needed, configure split-tunneling on the VPN so that our traffic is routed directly to the internet instead of through the VPN.
If the agents can't use ethernet, please consider the following Alternatives to Wi-Fi when Working from Home.

On-site (or multiple sites)

Below, you can find the 2 article links that hold the LAN/WAN configurations regarding all Talkdesk's domains to whitelist, IP Ranges to QoS/split-tunnel/allow on the corporate firewall, for egress traffic, with ports and protocols associated with each type.
  1. Setting up Talkdesk: Requirements and Best Practices
  2. Network Requirements: Firewall and Quality of Service (QoS)
It is recommended to:
  1. Use wired headsets and connections;
  2. Allow TalkDesk and AVANSER domains and IP ranges in the proxy/firewall;
  3. Implement QoS for our media ranges;
You'll need to ensure that your on-premises connectivity is sufficient to handle all your Agents.
  1. Run at least 3 network tests, per-site, on 3 different periods of the day. 
  2. Run the test with all Agents on-premises at the same time, this will check if the connectivity is sufficient for your peak moments of activity.

How do I perform the test?

That's very easy, identify your testing url or simply use our standard test available here.
Once loaded you have to provide your email address and click on the Start button. You should use the email address associated with your TalkDesk Agent.

During the test, your speaker will play music and messages, this happens during the Speaker/Microphone test. If you are in a open environment, ensure to wear an headset or to lower your speaker volume before the test.
The test will start and display a progress bar, all you need to do is wait until the test is completed.

Once completed you'll see a few score cards with information related to your connection and metrics to review the quality of service.

Take a note of all Non-Green values and mention them when submitting the report. In the example above, the Highest Connection Time is shown in Red. That's something worth mentioning to our Support.
You can download a PDF version of the result by clicking the Download button at the top of the report.

Once downloaded you can submit your report to our Support Team or to your Account Manager, this will help facilitate the setup and initial deployment of your TalkDesk solution.

I've been asked to provide the test logs, what should I do?

In case something is not working as expected you may be requested by the Support Team to copy your Test Logs.
Follow the regular test procedure and when completed the test, click on the Logs button at the top of the report.

The logs window will open.

Simply copy the whole content of this window and submit the logs to your Account Manager or to our Support Team.
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