Integrations: Google Ads

Integrations: Google Ads

This article will guide you through the configuration of Google Ads. In order to use Google Ads reporting, you'll have to configure Google Ads Dashboard to collect the Conversions sent by AVANSERFollow its dedicated Knowledge Base article available at Integrations: Google Ads - Set up Conversions.
Before jumping in the article check out our short video.

Step 1: Creating an Integration Account

Navigate to AVANSER Customer Portal. Select the cog wheel in the left bar and  click Integrations > Google Ads

The “help” section at the top and the contextual tips will help you navigate the integration.
Follow the steps described for each parameter required:
  1. Route Name - Identifies the name associated with the account you are creating, will be used as a reference in the interface. Eg. "GoogleAds Main Site".
  2. GoogleAds Customer ID - Refer to this help article Google AdWords Help how to identify your ID.
  3. GoogleAds Manager Customer ID - If your Google Ads account uses a Manager Account, you'll need to provide the Manager Account Customer ID. You can read more about the Manager Account here at Google Ads Help
  4. Authorization Code - Authorization Code is required to authenticate our system and enable push of offline conversions. You need to create an Authentication Code for this Account.
    1. Click the link Google's Authentication Page
    2. Login using the Google User linked to your Google AdWords Account
    3. Follow the instruction and authorize AVANSER to push data into your Google AdWords Account
    4. Copy the Code provided by Google and paste in the input
  5. Status - Enables or Disables the Offline Conversion.
If not active, calls received by the numbers associated with this account will not trigger an Offline Conversion

Manager Account Customer ID
If you don't use Google Manager Account, skip this step.
With the release of Google Ads API there are some changes with the way the data is managed. If you are using Google Manager Accounts in your Google Ads you need to specify the Manager Customer ID. Check Google Ads Manager Accounts Help to identify yours. 

The Manager Account Customer ID is required if your Google Ads account depends on a Manager Account

Authorization Code
Click on Click to open Google's Authorization Page a new window will open requesting you to authorize AVANSER to push data to your Google Ads Account

Click on Allow and proceed to the next section.

When authorized, copy the code presented using the icon displayed in the image above.
Head back to Customer Portal and paste the code in the Authorization Code input.

Hit the UPDATE AND CONTINUE button. Hooray you have created a new Integration Account and you can now report to it.

Step 2: Configuring Numbers for an Integration

Next steps are performed from the Number Configuration View, but they can be performed also from the individual Integration Page by clicking on the Numbers button when you have configured the Integration Account.

Navigate to the Number Configuration view by clicking on the "Number Configuration" submenu under the "Integrations" menu.

1. Select the numbers you want to configure

Use the search bar and tick the check box to select the numbers you want to perform a bulk operation.

Other bulk operations you can perform include:
  1. Enabling and Disabling integration configurations.
  2. Deleting integration configurations.

2. Click on the desired integration button

All integrations are designed to offer a familiar interface and they all provide the same functionalities.

3. Click on the "Configure" menu option

Select the Account you want to use for the integration.   We have chosen the account "AVANSER" in our example.
The Conversion Action Name must match the one configured in Google Ads for AVANSER's events. If you followed our guidelines name it "AVANSER Call".

If none of the accounts listed is the one you need, you can create a new account by selecting "Create New Account" in the Account drop down.

Click the Update and Continue button to save the changes to the services.  The integration is now configured.

You can make some test calls or wait for calls to land on your numbers. Call events will be sent to the reporting platform automatically.

Step 3: Verifying Your Integration Configurations

  1. In the Account Page
    1. Verify the Account is ACTIVE.
    2. Validate the Integration Account Options.
  2. In the Numbers Page
    1. Verify the Numbers are associated with the right account.
    2. Verify the Number configuration is ACTIVE.
  3. Perform test calls.
    1. In order to test integrations like Microsoft Ads, Google Ads, Google CM360 or Acquisio you need to click on a legitimate Ad to expect the data in the platform. 
    2. Search for your Ad or refer to your Ad platform of choice on how to click through the add.
    3. When the Ad takes you to the Website, check the number and verify that the configuration and the number displayed match.
    4. Call the number displayed on the website.
    5. Check that events are received at least once on the 3rd Reporting Platform.

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