AVANSER Dynamic Numbers is a service designed to replace the Phone Numbers in your Website with an AVANSER Tracking Number, this process does not change the source code of your Website, but, instead, process your Website when is displayed to customers and replace the number according to what Medium, Source, Campaign, Device or Keyword drove the visit to your website.
The result is that a user visit to your website coming from an Ad will see a different Phone Number from a user that reached your website through a Google Search.
AVANSER Dynamic Numbers offers multiple ways to replace Phone Numbers on a Website, this article will help you identify what's the right way for you and help you implement Dynamic Numbers on your Website as quickly as possible.
Automated Number Replacement
Automated Number Replacement" is the easiest way to integrate Dynamic Numbers in your website. At its core all is required for the service to work is to simply include AVANSER javascript in your Website. AVANSER Javascript Client will scan your page for numbers and replace each number with the correct AVANSER Tracking Number, this is done by looking at any text on the page that matches know numbers patterns - eg. (02) 9008 1596, +61 (2)
9008 1596, 9008-1596, etc.
Additionally you can specify what numbers you want to replace by simply listing them in the configuration interface.

While this process is incredibly easy to setup, it cannot replace images. If you need to replace images, you'll need to use "Advanced HTML Replacement".
Automated Number Replacement (Reactive)
"Automated Number Replacement (Reactive)" is designed to run on Responsive Web Applications, AVANSER Javascript Client will notice content changed in the page after its initial load and will automatically update the content with AVANSER Tracking Number.
There are no differences in configuring "Automated Number Replacement" or "Automated Number Replacement (Reactive)".
Advanced HTML Replacement
Advanced HTML Replacement" is sophisticated HTML Replacement Engine that makes possible swap numbers on a Website when "Automated Number Replacement" cannot be used.
"Advanced HTML Replacement" is designed to be able to change not only text, but also images, or entire blocks of HTML code.
This is achieved by placing a class in the:

This tool requires the user to have a good understanding of HTML and CSS.
AVANSER Tag Manager
In order to ease deployment on websites that require "Advanced HTML Replacement"
When your Website is configured with Dynamic Numbers and you are receiving calls from your customers to the advertised numbers, you may want to push your online calls to a third party application.
AVANSER has integrations with all majors Online Marketing, Advertising tools and CRM, such as Universal Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Google Ads, Microsoft Ads and Salesforce.
More Documentation
Check out our Knowledge Base Articles on Dynamic Numbers
- Dynamic Number Insertion
- Dynamic Numbers - Keyword Attribution
- Dynamic Numbers: Reactive Websites, Responsive Web Applications or Progressive Web Applications
- Dynamic Numbers - Testing your website
- Troubleshooting
- Basic Troubleshooting
- Advanced Troubleshooting
- Dynamic Numbers: Installing jQuery - Required by AVANSER Tag Manager