Customer Portal overview

Customer Portal overview

The AVANSER Customer Portal provides access to call reporting, system configuration and billing configuration.

Logging in to the portal

An account (typically an email address) and password is required to log in to the Customer Portal. If access for staff needs to be added or removed, please log a ticket with our support team.

Forgotten or Expired Passwords

If the password is lost or the expiry date for a password has passed, please click the Forgot Password? link an the login screen. Instructions to reset the password will be emailed to the registered email address.


The call reporting Dashboard is shown when the Customer Portal is opened.

Feature overview

  1. The Dashboard present on overview for the time period shown in the header, with trend data.
  2. Select the Reporting menu tab to get to the list of reports while navigating other areas of the portal.
  3. Call Logs, SMS Logs and other call reports are available in the reporting menu.
  4. The Evaluate Calls option always appears at the bottom left for quick access to the call evaluation feature.
  5. Reports can be filtered by date or by number. Click on the Filter button to choose the data the reports will be based on, including options like This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month.


Portal Setting are accessed from the settings menu.

Setting Overview

  1. Click on the Setting tab to view the settings menu from other areas of the portal.
  2. Choose the option from the settings menu, which are covered in other areas of this Knowledge Base, such as
    1. Dynamic Numbers
    2. Number Configuration for Integrations
    3. Integrations: Google Analytics 4
    4. Integrations: Google Ads
    5. Integrations: Microsoft Ads
    6. Manage Evaluations

Profile and Payments

Selecting the profile icon at the top right shows the profile and payment options.


  1. Click on the Profile icon at the top right to reveal the profile and payment options.
  2. The User Preferences link allows the date, time, phone number and other options to be set on the portal. See the User Preferences knowledge base article for more detail.
  3. For those with access, the Account Payments section shows recent transactions and direct debit details. See the Billing Explained and Direct Debit FAQ articles for further information.
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